ENIB 2022 - groupe B : Grande roue
- Kaddah Salah El Dine
- Malherbe Julie
- Floch Louanne
- La Marre Pierre
photo du projet
Que fait ce projet ?
La grande roue peut tourner dans les 2 sens, émet une musique, et est illuminée au niveau de son support
Liste des composants
- Wemos D1 Mini x2
- servo moteur x1
- potentiomètre x1
- bandeau de led rvb adressable WS2812B x36 led
- Haut parleur x1
- interrupteur x2
- buzzer
- carton
- papiers de couleur (blanc, bleu, rose)
- pics de bois
- Roue:
- Musique:
- Moteur et leds
#include <Servo.h> #include<FastLED.h> #define LED_PIN 5 #define NUM_LEDS 10 #define BRIGHTNESS 64 #define LED_TYPE WS2811 #define COLOR_ORDER GRB CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; #define UPDATES_PER_SECOND 100 CRGBPalette16 currentPalette; TBlendType currentBlending; extern CRGBPalette16 myRedWhiteBluePalette; extern const TProgmemPalette16 myRedWhiteBluePalette_p PROGMEM; Servo esc; // create servo object to control a servo int val; // variable to read value from analog pin void setup() { esc.attach(D7); // attaches servo on D7 to the servo object delay( 3000 ); // power-up safety delay FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE, LED_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip ); FastLED.setBrightness( BRIGHTNESS ); currentPalette = RainbowColors_p; currentBlending = LINEARBLEND; } void loop() { val = analogRead(0); // reads potentiometer value (between 0 and 1023) val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // scale it to use it with the servo (between 0 and 180) esc.write(val); // sets servo position according to scaled value delay(15); // waits for servo to get there ChangePalettePeriodically(); static uint8_t startIndex = 0; startIndex = startIndex + 1; /* motion speed */ FillLEDsFromPaletteColors( startIndex); FastLED.show(); FastLED.delay(1000 / UPDATES_PER_SECOND); } void FillLEDsFromPaletteColors( uint8_t colorIndex) { uint8_t brightness = 255; for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { leds[i] = ColorFromPalette( currentPalette, colorIndex, brightness, currentBlending); colorIndex += 3; } } // There are several different palettes of colors demonstrated here. // // FastLED provides several 'preset' palettes: RainbowColors_p, RainbowStripeColors_p, // OceanColors_p, CloudColors_p, LavaColors_p, ForestColors_p, and PartyColors_p. // // Additionally, you can manually define your own color palettes, or you can write // code that creates color palettes on the fly. All are shown here. void ChangePalettePeriodically() { uint8_t secondHand = (millis() / 1000) % 60; static uint8_t lastSecond = 99; if ( lastSecond != secondHand) { lastSecond = secondHand; if ( secondHand == 0) { currentPalette = RainbowColors_p; currentBlending = LINEARBLEND; } if ( secondHand == 10) { currentPalette = RainbowStripeColors_p; currentBlending = NOBLEND; } if ( secondHand == 15) { currentPalette = RainbowStripeColors_p; currentBlending = LINEARBLEND; } if ( secondHand == 20) { SetupPurpleAndGreenPalette(); currentBlending = LINEARBLEND; } if ( secondHand == 25) { SetupTotallyRandomPalette(); currentBlending = LINEARBLEND; } if ( secondHand == 30) { SetupBlackAndWhiteStripedPalette(); currentBlending = NOBLEND; } if ( secondHand == 35) { SetupBlackAndWhiteStripedPalette(); currentBlending = LINEARBLEND; } if ( secondHand == 40) { currentPalette = CloudColors_p; currentBlending = LINEARBLEND; } if ( secondHand == 45) { currentPalette = PartyColors_p; currentBlending = LINEARBLEND; } if ( secondHand == 50) { currentPalette = myRedWhiteBluePalette_p; currentBlending = NOBLEND; } if ( secondHand == 55) { currentPalette = myRedWhiteBluePalette_p; currentBlending = LINEARBLEND; } } } // This function fills the palette with totally random colors. void SetupTotallyRandomPalette() { for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { currentPalette[i] = CHSV( random8(), 255, random8()); } } // This function sets up a palette of black and white stripes, // using code. Since the palette is effectively an array of // sixteen CRGB colors, the various fill_* functions can be used // to set them up. void SetupBlackAndWhiteStripedPalette() { // 'black out' all 16 palette entries... fill_solid( currentPalette, 16, CRGB::Black); // and set every fourth one to white. currentPalette[0] = CRGB::White; currentPalette[4] = CRGB::White; currentPalette[8] = CRGB::White; currentPalette[12] = CRGB::White; } // This function sets up a palette of purple and green stripes. void SetupPurpleAndGreenPalette() { CRGB purple = CHSV( HUE_PURPLE, 255, 255); CRGB green = CHSV( HUE_GREEN, 255, 255); CRGB black = CRGB::Black; currentPalette = CRGBPalette16( green, green, black, black, purple, purple, black, black, green, green, black, black, purple, purple, black, black ); } // This example shows how to set up a static color palette // which is stored in PROGMEM (flash), which is almost always more // plentiful than RAM. A static PROGMEM palette like this // takes up 64 bytes of flash. const TProgmemPalette16 myRedWhiteBluePalette_p PROGMEM = { CRGB::Red, CRGB::Gray, // 'white' is too bright compared to red and blue CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Red, CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red, CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black };
- Musique:
/* Song of storms - Legend of Zelda Connect a piezo buzzer or speaker to pin 11 or select a new pin. More songs available at https://github.com/robsoncouto/arduino-songs Robson Couto, 2019 */ #define NOTE_B0 31 #define NOTE_C1 33 #define NOTE_CS1 35 #define NOTE_D1 37 #define NOTE_DS1 39 #define NOTE_E1 41 #define NOTE_F1 44 #define NOTE_FS1 46 #define NOTE_G1 49 #define NOTE_GS1 52 #define NOTE_A1 55 #define NOTE_AS1 58 #define NOTE_B1 62 #define NOTE_C2 65 #define NOTE_CS2 69 #define NOTE_D2 73 #define NOTE_DS2 78 #define NOTE_E2 82 #define NOTE_F2 87 #define NOTE_FS2 93 #define NOTE_G2 98 #define NOTE_GS2 104 #define NOTE_A2 110 #define NOTE_AS2 117 #define NOTE_B2 123 #define NOTE_C3 131 #define NOTE_CS3 139 #define NOTE_D3 147 #define NOTE_DS3 156 #define NOTE_E3 165 #define NOTE_F3 175 #define NOTE_FS3 185 #define NOTE_G3 196 #define NOTE_GS3 208 #define NOTE_A3 220 #define NOTE_AS3 233 #define NOTE_B3 247 #define NOTE_C4 262 #define NOTE_CS4 277 #define NOTE_D4 294 #define NOTE_DS4 311 #define NOTE_E4 330 #define NOTE_F4 349 #define NOTE_FS4 370 #define NOTE_G4 392 #define NOTE_GS4 415 #define NOTE_A4 440 #define NOTE_AS4 466 #define NOTE_B4 494 #define NOTE_C5 523 #define NOTE_CS5 554 #define NOTE_D5 587 #define NOTE_DS5 622 #define NOTE_E5 659 #define NOTE_F5 698 #define NOTE_FS5 740 #define NOTE_G5 784 #define NOTE_GS5 831 #define NOTE_A5 880 #define NOTE_AS5 932 #define NOTE_B5 988 #define NOTE_C6 1047 #define NOTE_CS6 1109 #define NOTE_D6 1175 #define NOTE_DS6 1245 #define NOTE_E6 1319 #define NOTE_F6 1397 #define NOTE_FS6 1480 #define NOTE_G6 1568 #define NOTE_GS6 1661 #define NOTE_A6 1760 #define NOTE_AS6 1865 #define NOTE_B6 1976 #define NOTE_C7 2093 #define NOTE_CS7 2217 #define NOTE_D7 2349 #define NOTE_DS7 2489 #define NOTE_E7 2637 #define NOTE_F7 2794 #define NOTE_FS7 2960 #define NOTE_G7 3136 #define NOTE_GS7 3322 #define NOTE_A7 3520 #define NOTE_AS7 3729 #define NOTE_B7 3951 #define NOTE_C8 4186 #define NOTE_CS8 4435 #define NOTE_D8 4699 #define NOTE_DS8 4978 #define REST 0 // change this to make the song slower or faster int tempo = 150;//108 originalement // change this to whichever pin you want to use int buzzer = D2; // notes of the moledy followed by the duration. // a 4 means a quarter note, 8 an eighteenth , 16 sixteenth, so on // !!negative numbers are used to represent dotted notes, // so -4 means a dotted quarter note, that is, a quarter plus an eighteenth!! int melody[] = { // Song of storms - The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. // Score available at https://musescore.com/user/4957541/scores/1545401 NOTE_D4,4, NOTE_A4,4, NOTE_A4,4, REST,8, NOTE_E4,8, NOTE_B4,2, NOTE_F4,4, NOTE_C5,4, NOTE_C5,4, REST,8, NOTE_E4,8, NOTE_B4,2, NOTE_D4,4, NOTE_A4,4, NOTE_A4,4, REST,8, NOTE_E4,8, NOTE_B4,2, NOTE_F4,4, NOTE_C5,4, NOTE_C5,4, REST,8, NOTE_E4,8, NOTE_B4,2, NOTE_D4,8, NOTE_F4,8, NOTE_D5,2, NOTE_D4,8, NOTE_F4,8, NOTE_D5,2, NOTE_E5,-4, NOTE_F5,8, NOTE_E5,8, NOTE_E5,8, NOTE_E5,8, NOTE_C5,8, NOTE_A4,2, NOTE_A4,4, NOTE_D4,4, NOTE_F4,8, NOTE_G4,8, NOTE_A4,-2, NOTE_A4,4, NOTE_D4,4, NOTE_F4,8, NOTE_G4,8, NOTE_E4,-2, NOTE_D4,8, NOTE_F4,8, NOTE_D5,2, NOTE_D4,8, NOTE_F4,8, NOTE_D5,2, NOTE_E5,-4, NOTE_F5,8, NOTE_E5,8, NOTE_E5,8, NOTE_E5,8, NOTE_C5,8, NOTE_A4,2, NOTE_A4,4, NOTE_D4,4, NOTE_F4,8, NOTE_G4,8, NOTE_A4,2, NOTE_A4,4, NOTE_D4,1, }; // sizeof gives the number of bytes, each int value is composed of two bytes (16 bits) // there are two values per note (pitch and duration), so for each note there are four bytes int notes = sizeof(melody) / sizeof(melody[0]) / 2; // this calculates the duration of a whole note in ms int wholenote = (60000 * 4) / tempo; int divider = 0, noteDuration = 0; void setup() { // iterate over the notes of the melody. // Remember, the array is twice the number of notes (notes + durations) for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < notes * 2; thisNote = thisNote + 2) { // calculates the duration of each note divider = melody[thisNote + 1]; if (divider > 0) { // regular note, just proceed noteDuration = (wholenote) / divider; } else if (divider < 0) { // dotted notes are represented with negative durations!! noteDuration = (wholenote) / abs(divider); noteDuration *= 1.5; // increases the duration in half for dotted notes } // we only play the note for 90% of the duration, leaving 10% as a pause tone(buzzer, melody[thisNote], noteDuration*0.9); // Wait for the specief duration before playing the next note. delay(noteDuration); // stop the waveform generation before the next note. noTone(buzzer); } } void loop() { // we repeat the melody for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < notes * 2; thisNote = thisNote + 2) { // calculates the duration of each note divider = melody[thisNote + 1]; if (divider > 0) { // regular note, just proceed noteDuration = (wholenote) / divider; } else if (divider < 0) { // dotted notes are represented with negative durations!! noteDuration = (wholenote) / abs(divider); noteDuration *= 1.5; // increases the duration in half for dotted notes } // we only play the note for 90% of the duration, leaving 10% as a pause tone(buzzer, melody[thisNote], noteDuration*0.9); // Wait for the specief duration before playing the next note. delay(noteDuration); // stop the waveform generation before the next note. noTone(buzzer); } }
Pistes d'amélioration
- Utiliser du carton mousse au lieu de carton pour la roue
- Faire une grande roue plus grande
- cacher la partie musique dans une cabine
- créer la grande roue:
- code servo moteur:
- bandeau de led rvb adressable WS2812B:
- bibliothèque des leds WS2812B (le code utilise l'exemple "ColorPalette" de cette bibliothèque):
- utiliser Wemos D1 Mini avec arduino: