ENIB 2022 - groupe A : Memory Game
Que fait ce projet ?
Ce projet est un Simon avec 4 leds, 4 boutons poussoirs et du son. Le joueur doit reproduire la combinaison de led en appuyant sur des boutons. Il y a différents niveaux de difficulté.
Liste des composants
- 4 leds de différentes couleurs
- 4 boutons poussoirs
- 4 resistances de 10 K ohm
- 1 carte arduino uno
- 1 carte labdec
- 1 haut parleur piezo
- des câbles
- 1 boite de glace chocolat menthe
Le code
Code réalisé en grande partie par James Cameron, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB4h0hNWz2o&ab_channel=Print%27NPlay
// Pin Definitions : // Pin D1 - LED 1 (-) // Pin D2 - LED 2 (-) // Pin D3- LED 3 (-) // Pin D4 - LED 4 (-) // Pin D5 - Button 1 (+) // Pin D6 - Button 2 (+) // Pin D7 - Button 3 (+) // Pin D0 - Button 4 (+) // Pin D8 - Speaker (+) const int speaker = D8; // défini la branche à laquelle vous connectez le haut parleur //***************************************** int LENGTH = 400; int notes[4] = {100, 350, 600, 850}; // Valeurs des 4 notes jouées int gamepattern[20]; int difficulty = 1; // dificulté de base du jeu //***************************************** void setup() { pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); // Set up LED PINS pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); pinMode(D6, INPUT); // Set up button pins pinMode(D7, INPUT); pinMode(D5, INPUT); pinMode(D0, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); // Enable serial output so we can debug using the serial reader in the Arduino IDE } void loop() { //setPins(); // Set the LED and Button pins HIGH //generate_game(); // Was used for testing a single-game mode before main menu was implimented //testButtons(); // Used to test buttons without playing the game main_menu(); } void main_menu() { digitalWrite(D1,LOW); digitalWrite(D2,LOW); digitalWrite(D3,LOW); digitalWrite(D4,LOW); digitalWrite(D7,HIGH); digitalWrite(D6,HIGH); digitalWrite(D5,HIGH); digitalWrite(D0,HIGH); while (1 == 1) { if (digitalRead(D6) == LOW) { difficulty = 1; generate_game(); play_game(); } if (digitalRead(D7) == LOW) { difficulty = 2; generate_game(); play_game(); } if (digitalRead(D5) == LOW) { difficulty = 3; generate_game(); play_game(); } if (digitalRead(D0) == LOW) { difficulty = 4; generate_game(); play_game(); } } } void play_game() { int roundCount = 0; int playerTurn = 1; bool buttonPress = false; int currentNote; int userInput = 0; bool loss = false; play_note(1, 100); play_note(2, 100); play_note(3, 100); play_note(4, 100); delay(1000); for (int currentRound=1; (currentRound - 1)<=(difficulty * 5); currentRound++) // Number of rounds to play { roundCount += 1; playerTurn = 1; buttonPress = false; userInput = 0; for (int j = 1; j != currentRound; j++) { play_note(gamepattern[j - 1], LENGTH); // Play current round note(s) } while (playerTurn < currentRound) { currentNote = gamepattern[playerTurn - 1]; Serial.println(currentNote); while (buttonPress == false) { if (digitalRead(D6) == LOW) // Button 1 Pressed { buttonPress = true; userInput = 1; } if (digitalRead(D7) == LOW) // Button 2 Pressed { buttonPress = true; userInput = 2; } if (digitalRead(D5) == LOW) // Button 3 Pressed { buttonPress = true; userInput = 3; } if (digitalRead(D0) == LOW) // Button 4 Pressed { buttonPress = true; userInput = 4; } if (buttonPress == true) // A button was Pressed { play_note(userInput, LENGTH); // Play the note pushed if (currentNote == userInput) // You pushed the right one! { playerTurn++; } else // You pushed the wrong one! :( { game_over(false); } } } buttonPress = false; } } if (loss == false){ Serial.println("You Win!"); game_over(true); } } void generate_game() { randomSeed(analogRead(D8)); for (int i=0; i<(difficulty * 5); i++) // For each level of difficulty, add 5 more turns to the game { gamepattern[i] = random(1, 5); } } void play_note(int index, int notespeed) { digitalWrite(index + 1, HIGH); tone(speaker, notes[ index - 1 ], notespeed); if (index==2){ digitalWrite(D3,HIGH); } delay(notespeed * 2); digitalWrite(index + 1, LOW); if (index==2){ digitalWrite(D3,LOW ); } } void game_over(bool win) { if (win) { Serial.println("You Win!"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ play_note(1, 50); play_note(2, 50); play_note(3, 50); play_note(4, 50); } } else { Serial.println("You Lose!"); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){ play_note(4, 100); play_note(3, 100); play_note(2, 100); play_note(1, 100); } } Serial.println("Game over"); main_menu(); } void testButtons() // Created this function to test buttons without having to run the entire game { while (1 == 1){ if (digitalRead(D6) == LOW) { Serial.println("Button 1 Pressed"); play_note(1, LENGTH); } if (digitalRead(D7) == LOW) { Serial.println("Button 2 Pressed"); play_note(2, LENGTH); } if (digitalRead(D5) == LOW) { Serial.println("Button 3 Pressed"); play_note(3, LENGTH); } if (digitalRead(D0) == LOW) { Serial.println("Button 4 Pressed"); play_note(4, LENGTH); } } }